Unit 1
Text A On Balance. New Technology and Traditional Skills
Text B Merits of US Military Transformation and Demerits of Saddam
Unit 2
Text A Success and Considerations for Improvement
Text B Failure and Considerations for Improvement
Unit 3
Text A The Basic Principles of United Nations Peacekeeping
Text B Peacekeeping——A Rising Role for Chinas PLA
Unit 4
Text A The Impact of National Missile Defense on Russia and Nuclear Security
Text B NMD, TMD, Arms Control
Unit 5
Text A Peace Mission 2007 and the S. C. O. Summit
Text B Military Exchanges with Foreign Countries
Unit 6
Text A Europe Steps up Piracy Controls
Text B Chinese Warships Escorting Operations off Somali Coast
Unit 7
Text A Space Surveillance Network Sensor Development, Modification, and Sustainment Programs
Text B Insecurity in Space
Unit 8
Text A Unmanned Aircraft Get Smarter
Text B Persistence Imperative
Key to the Exercises
A United Nations peacekeeping operation should only use forceas a measure of last resort, when other methods of persuasion havebeen exhausted, and an operation must always exercise restraintwhen doing so. The ultimate aim of the use of force is to influenceand deter spoilers working against the peace process or seeking toharm civiiians: and not to seek their military defeat. The use of forceby a United Nations peacekeeping operation should always be calibra-ted in a precise, proportional and appropriate manner, within theprinciple of the minimum force necessary to achieve the desiredeffect, while sustaining consent for the mission and its mandate. Inits use of force, a United Nations peacekeeping operation should al-ways be mindful of the need for an early de-escalation of violence anda return to non-violent means of persuasion.
The use of force by a United Nations peacekeeping operation al-ways has political impiications and can often give rise to unforeseencircumstances. Judgments concerning its use will need to be made atthe appropriate level within a mission, based on a combination of fac-tors including mission capability~ public perceptions~ humanitarianimpact~ force protection~ safety and security of personnel~ and, mostimportantly, the effect that such action will have on national and lo-cal consent for the mission.