


定  價(jià):150 元


  • 作者:中華人民共和國(guó)科學(xué)技術(shù)部
  • 出版時(shí)間:2021/11/1
  • ISBN:9787518983353
  • 出 版 社:科學(xué)技術(shù)文獻(xiàn)出版社
  • 中圖法分類:G322 
  • 頁(yè)碼:
  • 紙張:銅版紙
  • 版次:
  • 開(kāi)本:16開(kāi)


Science and technology (S&T) indicators are quantitative measurements of S&T activity, aimed
at accurately reflecting the status of S&T activity and its role and impact on society and the
economy. They serve as a basis for S&T policy development and evaluation of S&T policy
effectiveness. Countries and international organizations are placing increasing importance on
S&T indicators as a key tool of S&T policy development and analysis.

China Science and Technology Indicators, jointly prepared by the Ministry of Science and
Technology of the Peoples Republic of China together with other relevant ministries and
agencies of the State Council, has been published biennially since 1993 as a government yellow
book on S&T development. China Science and Technology Indicators 2018 is the 14th volume
of the yellow book.

This volume mainly draws on S&T statistics and relevant economic and social statistics as of
the end of 2017. It provides a comprehensive picture of Chinas S&T development since the
implementation of the Outline of the National Plan for Medium- and Long-Term Scientific
and Technological Development (2006-2020) and the Science, Technology and Innovation
Development Plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan Period, reveals the main characteristics of
Chinas S&T activity as a driving force of the national economic and social transformation and
development, and reflects the historical process of China gearing itself to enhance indigenous
innovation capabilities and build an innovation-driven nation.

This volume continues the overall structural stability of the biennially updated publication
in terms of framework and indicator system. Besides a systematic analysis of Chinas S&T
development on the basic dimensions, including S&T human resources, R&D expenditure, S&T
output, S&T activity of main sectors of performance (enterprises, higher education institutions
and government research institutions), high-technology industry, regional S&T progress,
scale and structure of S&T development, and public understanding of and attitudes towards
science and technology, capturing the main characteristics of Chinas S&T activity, this volume
features some degree of expansion in structure and content by highlighting the trend analysis
of S& T indicators based on historical comparison and international comparison. For historical
comparison, it puts Chinas S&T development in recent years in the context of its efforts to
build an innovation-driven nation with a view to identifying the historical trends and dynamics
of S&T development. As a highlight in international comparison, it compares China with major
developed countries and emerging economies on internationally comparable indicators in order
to position and characterize Chinas S&T development internationally. Due to data availability
constraints, this report does not include data on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan unless

otherwise specified. The Editorial Board wishes to acknowledge its gratitude for the guidance
and assistance provided by authorities, experts and scholars of government agencies and
institutions including the Ministry of Science and Technology, China Association for Science
and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China,
State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Ministry of Education, National Bureau of Statistics,
State Intellectual Property Office, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of
Finance, General Administration of Customs, and State Administration of Science, Technology
and Industry for National Defense, and would appreciate any comments and feedback from

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