定 價:18 元
- 作者:陳麗 著
- 出版時間:2014/3/1
- ISBN:9787544633475
- 出 版 社:上海外語教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:I712.064
- 頁碼:180
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:32開
Chapter One Aesthetic Contemplaticn and Morality
Ⅰ.Between James and Pater's Idea of Being
Ⅱ.Being and MoraICollapse
Ⅲ.Being and Freedom
Ⅳ.Being and the Higher Morality
Chapter Two Artistic Creation and Morality
Ⅰ.The Conflict between Artistic Creation and Morality
Ⅱ.Art Reduced to Literary Cliches and Egoism
Ⅲ.Art Reduced to Social Conventions and Tyranny
Ⅳ.Art as the Revelation of Value and Morality
Chapter Three Detachment in Art and lts MoraI Significance
Ⅰ.Aesthetic Detachment and Morality Introduction
Chapter One Aesthetic Contemplaticn and Morality
Ⅰ.Between James and Pater's Idea of Being
Ⅱ.Being and MoraICollapse
Ⅲ.Being and Freedom
Ⅳ.Being and the Higher Morality
Chapter Two Artistic Creation and Morality
Ⅰ.The Conflict between Artistic Creation and Morality
Ⅱ.Art Reduced to Literary Cliches and Egoism
Ⅲ.Art Reduced to Social Conventions and Tyranny
Ⅳ.Art as the Revelation of Value and Morality
Chapter Three Detachment in Art and lts MoraI Significance
Ⅰ.Aesthetic Detachment and Morality
Ⅱ.Artistic Detachment and Morality
Works Cited