Chapter 1 OVerview for Statistical Modeling of SAR Images
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Model Classification and Research Contents
1.2.1 Parameter estimation
1.2.2 Goodness—of-fit tests
1.3 Statistical models
1.3.1 Nonparametric models
1.3.2 Parametric models
1.4 Classification of parametric models
1.4.1 The statistical models developed from the product model
1.4.2 The statistical models developed from the generalized centrallimit theorem
1.4.3 The empirical distributions
1.4.4 Other models
1.5 The Relationship Among The Major Models and TheirApplications
1.5.1 The relationship among the parametric statisticalmodels
Chapter 1 OVerview for Statistical Modeling of SAR Images
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Model Classification and Research Contents
1.2.1 Parameter estimation
1.2.2 Goodness—of-fit tests
1.3 Statistical models
1.3.1 Nonparametric models
1.3.2 Parametric models
1.4 Classification of parametric models
1.4.1 The statistical models developed from the product model
1.4.2 The statistical models developed from the generalized centrallimit theorem
1.4.3 The empirical distributions
1.4.4 Other models
1.5 The Relationship Among The Major Models and TheirApplications
1.5.1 The relationship among the parametric statisticalmodels
1.5.2 Summary of the applications of the major models
1.6 Discussion of Future Work
1.7 Conclusions References
Chapter 2 Statistical Modeling of Single-Channel SAIl IInages
2.1 Modeling SAR Images Based on A Generalized Gamma Distributionfor Texture Component
2.1.1 The Proposed GFFodel
2.1.2 Parameter Estimator of the GFF Model Based on MoLC
2.1.3 ExperimentaI Results
2.1.4 Appendix 2-A.The Derivation of m-th order moments of theDistribution
2.1.5 Appendix 2-B.Proof of the relationship betweenDistributions
2.2 An Empirical Distribution for Characterizing the StatisticalProperties of SAR Clutter
2.2.1 The Proposed Distribution
2.2.2 The Parameter Estimators of The Proposed Distribution
2.2.3 Experimental Results
Chapter 4 Statistical Modeling of Multi-Channel SAR images
Chapter 5 Target Detwction Multi-Channel SAR Images
Chapter 6 Statistical Modeling and Target Detwction of PolSARImages