定 價:153 元
- 作者: 張雁儒 編
- 出版時間:2020/12/1
- ISBN:9787564559960
- 出 版 社:鄭州大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:R322
- 頁碼:490
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
With the rapid development of education in China's economic society and higher medical science,more and more foreign students come to China to study medicine in medical colleges and universities. Anat-omy is one of the most important and basic courses in medicine, it is very important to combine the reading habits of foreign medical students in China with the teaching materials of medical colleges and universities in China, so we have organized a group of teachers from different medical schools with rich experience in a-natomy teaching and foreign learning to compile this textbook, hoping to contribute to the improvement of the training quality of foreign medical students in China.
The biggest characteristic of this textbook is that it is suitable for China's teaching system and meets the requirements of the syllabus, This consistent exposure to students who are studying systemic anatomy for the first time and others who are reviewing anatomy during their residency training period helps to keep us informed of students needs and how certain body parts could be more completely or more clearly demonstra-ted in the atlas. In order to enhance students' interest in learning, the integration of basic and clinical knowledge is strengthened, so, more attention were paid to the clinical cases in the description of the ana-tomical structures.
We both encourage and welcome users of this edition to write to us for your kind comments and for of-fering suggestions of how this textbook might be improved.
Our appreciation also goes to academician of Zhong Shizhen and professor Huang Wenhua of Southern Medical University and Zhengzhou University Publishing House for their enthusiastic efforts and a lot of work in the contributiors to write and publish this edition.
It is a great challenge to compile this English book. If you find any errors or mistakes that might exist in the book,please let us know. We are always open to suggestions and comments,and strive to improve it for a better edition.
Chapter 1 The Head
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The face
1.3 The cranium
1.4 Main contents of the head
Chapter 2 The Neck
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Superficial structures and cervical fascia
2.3 Sternocleidomastoid and anterior region of the neck
2.4 The lateral region of the neck
2.5 Main contents of neck
Chapter 3 The Thorax
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Thoracic wall and cavity
3.3 The pleura and pleural cavity
3.4 The mediastinum
3.5 The diaphragm
3.6 Main contents of the thorax
Chapter 4 The Abdomen
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The anterolateral abdominal wall and the inguinal region
4.3 The peritoneum and peritoneal cavity
4.4 Organs in the supracolic compartment
4.5 Organs in the infracolie compartment
4.6 Retroperitoneal space
4.7 Main contents of the abdomen
Chapter 5 The Pelvis and Perineum
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The pelvis
5.3 Pelvic organs
5.4 The perineum
5.5 Main contents of the pelvis and perineum
Chapter 6 The Upper Limb
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The pectoral region and axillary region
6.3 The anterior region of the arm,the elbow,the forearm, and the wrist
6.4 The posterior region of the arm, the elbow,the forearm,and the wrist
6.5 Main contents of the upper limb
Chapter 7 The Lower Limb
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The front and medial aspects of the thigh
7.3 The gluteal region,the back of the thigh and the popliteal fossa
7.4 The anterior and lateral region of the leg
7.5 The region of the ankle and foot
7.6 Main contents of lower limb
Chapter 8 The Back and Vertebral Region
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The layers and structures of the back