
鐵證如山(6 吉林省檔案館館藏日本侵華郵政檢閱月報(bào)專輯5 英文版) [Irrefutable Evidence:Monthly Reports on Correspondence Inspection During Japanese Aggression Against China Collected bv the Archive of Jilin Province 6]

鐵證如山(6 吉林省檔案館館藏日本侵華郵政檢閱月報(bào)專輯5 英文版) [Irrefutable Evidence:Monthly Reports on Correspondence Inspection During Japanese Aggression Against China Collected bv the Archive of Jilin Province 6]

定  價(jià):165 元


  • 作者:楊川,王勝今 編
  • 出版時(shí)間:2017/4/1
  • ISBN:9787558143274
  • 出 版 社:吉林出版集團(tuán)
  • 中圖法分類:K265.606 
  • 頁碼:622
  • 紙張:膠版紙
  • 版次:1
  • 開本:16K
In recent years, the Archive of Jilin Province has paid more and more efforts in collating archives about Japanese invasion of China and published its latest findings, namely Irrefutable Evidence: Studies on the Newly Discovered Files on Japanese Invasion in Jilin Province (Volume 1). Built upon its earlier findings, the Archive of Jilin
  Province published in July 2014 Volume II and Volume III of lrrefutable Evidence series successively, both titled Irrefutable Evidence: Monthly Reports on Correspondence Inspection During Japanese Aggression Against China Collected by the Archive of Jilin Province, the difference made by the months of the files. The Archive of Jilin Province keeps on collating files and Volume IV and later volumes will be published. The publication of these series carries great significance in that the files presented in the series cover a wide range of important issues, such as the atrocities of Japanese invaders and their brutal seizure of "comfort women". It reveals profoundly the enormity of Japanese invasion of China with irrefutable and reliable archives by Japanese troops themselves. All these serve as corroborative evidence of Japanese right-wing politicians' backpedalling on Japanese invasion of China and some politicians' actions to abet right-wing to reverse the verdict. They also serve as enlightening tutorials to instruct Japanese people to have an accurate historical view and an adherence to Pacifist Constitution. The files also generate a positive response in the current Sino-Japanese relationship; expose atrocities of Japanese invaders and enlighten Chinese people on the hard-won peace after China's resolute opposition against aggression; and also foster in the international community a sound recognition that disputes on Sino-Japanese historical issues. All this would be pivotal to Japanese future path as well the peace, development and prosperity in East Asia. Meanwhile, collating these archives is of vital theoretical and academic significance in studying Japanese militarism and Japanese invasion of China.
  "Monthly Reports on Correspondence Inspection" are historical archives documented by Japanese Kwantung Kempeitai themselves, whose addressers, addressees and address could all be traceable. The archives display vividly the crimes, military activities of Japanese invasive troops and even offer an in-depth synchronic view of society, making it the cream among the first-hand files to pursue further academic research.
  The "Monthly Reports on Correspondence Inspection" contained in this volume involve 45,000 letters, which, after inspection, were classified by Japanese Kempeitai as historical documents prohibited from spreading because they might damage the image of Japanese government and troops. Wholly obtained from victims and witnesses, the archives truly reflect a multitude of atrocities and brutal incidents contrived by Japanese invaders since after they based themselves in northeast China after the 9-18 Incident in 1931 during their southward and northward invasion, serving as the irrefutable evidence of Japanese militarism and its crimes during its colonial domination.
  As Japan destroyed the evidence of its crime when it surrendered, archives refiecting crimes of Japanese army are pretty rare, which highlights the preciousness of these archives. Without active remedy and assortment, these archives would have vanished in history. Publishing these archives after careful studies is a due obligation of archivists. Because of time limits and the editors' academic competence, the book couldn't be error free and readers' comments are thus sincerely welcome.
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