定 價:39 元
- 作者:張新星
- 出版時間:2024/9/1
- ISBN:9787030794727
- 出 版 社:科學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:TK01
- 頁碼:107
- 紙張:
- 版次:1
- 開本:16
叢書序 前言
1 Fossil Fuels 1
1.1 Overview of Fossil Fuels 1
1.2 Coal 2
1.2.1 Coal Type 2
1.2.2 The Formation of Coal 3
1.2.3 Coal Mining 4
1.2.4 The Chemistry of Coal 5
1.2.5 The History of the Use of Coal 9
1.2.6 The Utilization of Coal 10
1.3 Petroleum 11
1.3.1 The Formation of Petroleum 11
1.3.2 The Obtaining of Petroleum 12
1.3.3 The Chemistry of Petroleum 13
1.3.4 The History of the Use of Petroleum 14
1.3.5 The Refinement of Petroleum 15
1.4 Natural Gas 17
1.4.1 The Origin of Natural Gas 17
1.4.2 The Distribution of Natural Gas 18
1.4.3 The Chemistry of Natural Gas 18
1.4.4 The History of the Use of Natural Gas 19
1.4.5 The Utilization of Natural Gas 20 Vocabulary 21 References 21
2 Solar Energy 23
2.1 Introduction of Solar Energy 23
2.2 Solar Radiation 23
2.3 Solar Energy Conversion 24
2.3.1 Fuel 25 2.3.2 Heat 26
2.3.3 Electricity 26
2.4 Photovoltaic Cells 27 Vocabulary 29 References 30
3 Wind Energy 31
3.1 Introduction of Wind Energy 31
3.2 History of Wind Energy 31
3.2.1 A Brief History of Windmills 32
3.2.2 Early Wind Generation of Electricity 32
3.2.3 The Resurgence of Wind Energy 33
3.2.4 Technological Underpinnings of Modern Wind Turbines 33
3.3 Assessment of Wind Energy Resources 33
3.4 Environmental Performance of Wind Energy 34
3.5 Current Status 35 Vocabulary 36 References 36
4 Hydrogen Energy 38
4.1 Introduction of Hydrogen Energy 38
4.2 Physical and Chemical Properties of Hydrogen Energy 38
4.3 Hydrogen Production 39
4.3.1 Thermal Processes 39
4.3.2 Electrolytic and Photolytic Processes 41
4.3.3 Biological Processes 42
4.4 Hydrogen Storage Technologies 43
4.4.1 Chemical Storage 43
4.4.2 Physisorption 45
4.5 Applications of Hydrogen 48
4.5.1 Industry Applications 48
4.5.2 Fuel Cells 48
4.6 Safe Use of Hydrogen 49 Vocabulary 50 References 50
5 Hydropower 52
5.1 Introduction of Hydropower 52
5.1.1 History 52
5.1.2 Modern Usage 53
5.2 Hydroelectricity 53
5.2.1 Generating Methods 54
5.2.2 Future Potential 56
5.2.3 Sizes and Capacities of Hydroelectric Facilities 56
5.2.4 Properties 59
5.2.5 Comparison and Interactions with Other Methods of Power Generation 62
5.2.6 Reducing the Risk 63
5.2.7 World Hydroelectric Capacity 64
5.3 Ocean Power 65
5.3.1 Marine Current Power 65
5.3.2 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 66
5.3.3 Concerns 68
5.3.4 Prospect 68
5.3.5 Related Activities 68
5.4 The Future of Hydropower 72 Vocabulary 73 References 73
6 Nuclear Energy 74
6.1 Introduction of Nuclear Energy 74
6.2 History of Nuclear Energy 75
6.3 Nuclear Fission 76
6.3.1 The Process of Nuclear Fission 77
6.3.2 The Energy Released in Nuclear Fission 77
6.4 Nuclear Power Plants 77
6.4.1 Development History 78
6.4.2 Working Principle 79
6.4.3 Current Status 80
6.4.4 Risks and Challenges 81
6.5 Nuclear Fusion 83
6.5.1 The Process of Nuclear Fusion 83
6.5.2 The Energy Released in Nuclear Fusion 84
6.5.3 Controlled Nuclear Fusion 84 Vocabulary 85 References 86
7 Biomass Energy 87
7.1 Introduction of Biomass Energy 87
7.2 Biomass Energy Conversion Technologies 88
7.2.1 Thermochemical Conversion 88
7.2.2 Biochemical Conversion 89
7.3 Positive Aspects of Biomass 90
7.3.1 Merits of Biomass over Fossil Fuels 90
7.3.2 Benefits of Biowaste 91
7.3.3 Biomass Conversion Emission 91
7.3.4 Dry Wood Biomass 92
7.3.5 Benefits of Agricultural Plantations 93
7.4 Barriers to Biomass Energy Technologies 94
7.5 Future Research Directions 94 Vocabulary 95 References 95
8 Geothermal Energy 98
8.1 Introduction of Geothermal Energy 98
8.2 Extraction of Geothermal Energy 99
8.3 Uses of Geothermal Energy 99
8.3.1 Some Direct Uses 99
8.3.2 Geothermal Heat Pumps 100
8.3.3 Electricity Generation 100
8.4 A Brief History of Geothermal EnergyUse 101
8.5 Geothermal Energy and the Environment 103
8.5.1 Air Pollution 103
8.5.2 Water Pollution 104
8.5.3 Land Subsidence 105
8.5.4 Induced Seismicity 105
8.5.5 Noise 105
8.6 The Future of Geothermal Energy 105 Vocabulary 106 References 107