The aim of this book is to provide a concise treatment of atomic physics. It should give sufficient coverage and depth to provide a sound foundation for further study along the same avenue. I hope that it will also give enough of a grounding to prepare for work in other disciplines that are underpinned by atomic physics such as chemistry, biology and several aspects of engineering science. So, because the book is a short one it can't include a lot of other relevant material. l don't want to make it so that 'we can't see the wood for the trees!' We will, however, occasionally glance down interesting paths without going into exhaustive detail. The focus is mainly on atomic structure since this is what is primarily responsible for the physical properties of atoms. By atomic structure we mean the arrangement of the various energy levels that arise from the quantization of energy and angular momentum of the electrons surrounding the nucleus.
The text is based on lecture notes for a short course that I gave to third year undergraduate students at the University of Oxford. The course covered the syllabus set for the Final Honour Schools Examination in Physics as part of a three-year first degree or a four-year MPhys. It builds therefore on two years of previous study of mathematics and, in particular, of a first course in quantum mechanics. The study of atomic physics began before the invention of quantum theory-a long time before it, if we include the ideas of the Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus in the Sth century BC! However, in order to understand atomic physics at the level of this book, we need to have studied quantum theory first. Familiarity with, and a working knowledge of, quantum mechanics is essential. The book will assume that the reader is fairly comfortable with the mathematical methods used to solve the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom and the concepts of wave functions, eigenvalues, expectation values and matrix diagonalization up to the level of first-order degenerate perturbation theory.
Paul Ewart,obtained a BSc and PhD in Physics from Queen's University Belfast and then was an (SERC) Advanced Fellow at the Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College of Science and Technology in London. In 1979 he moved to the Physics Department, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University and as a Tutor and Fellow of Worcester College. He has been a Royal Academy of Engineering Senior Research Fellow, a Visiting Fellow at the Joint Institute of Laboratory Astrophysics and Visiting Professor at the University of Colorado in Boulder, USA, a CNRS visiting Fellow at the Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris and a William Evans Visiting Fellow at the University of Otago, New Zealand. His research work has centred on using lasers to study atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics and nonlinear spectroscopy. His current research includes interdisciplinary applications of laser spectroscopy to combustion and environmental physics, He was Professor of Physics and formerly Head of the Department of Atomic and Laser Physics at Oxford University.