《中國經典文化走向世界叢書(學術卷3 英文版)》從“編年史的起源與演變”“司馬光與《資治通鑒》”“《資治通鑒》與《通鑒》學”“《資治通鑒》與新史體”“《資治通鑒》的社會影響”等幾個方面,對《資治通鑒》編寫的起源和流變作了簡明扼要的概述。
《中國經典文化走向世界叢書(學術卷3 英文版)》資料翔實,論述清晰,文字平實流暢,對中國文化有興趣的外國讀者有一定的參考價值。
Chapter One The Origin and Evolution of the Annals
1. The Origin of the Annals
2. The Improvement of the Annals during the Warring States Period
3. The Slow Development and Stagnation of the Annalistic Style of Historiography in the Han and Tang Dynasties
Chapter Two Sima Guang and His History as a Mirror for Governance
1. A Biographical Sketch of Sima Guang
2. The Writing of History as a Mirror for Governance
3. The Characteristics and Value of History as a Mirror for Governance
Chapter Three History as a Mirror for Governance and History-Mirrorology
1. The Sequels of History as a Mirror for Governance
2. The Annotations of History as a Mirror for Governance
3. Corrections and Supplements of History as a Mirror for Governance
4. Criticisms on History as a Mirror for Governance
Chapter Four History as a Mirror for Governance and New Styles of Historiography
1. History as a Mirror for Governance and Histories in the Event- focused Style of Important Events
2. History as a Mirror for Governance and Histories in the Outline Style
Chapter Five The Social Influence of History as a Mirror for Governance
1. Emperors of the Feudal Dynasties and History as a Mirror for Governance
2. Ancient Chinese Literati and History as a Mirror for Governance
3. Military Generals of the Feudal Dynasties and History as a Mirror for Governance
4. Common People and History as a Mirror for Governance
Chapter Six
I. Bibliography
II. Glossary