Chinese-Lusophone Relations: China and Brazil
Panel Ⅰ Evolving Roles of Brazil and China in Global Governance
China, Brazil and Global Governance【Pang Zhongying】/3
Diversifying Channels in China-Brazil Relations: The Multilateralization of the Bilateral
Relationship【Carmen Amado Mendes and Daniel Cardoso】/13
Sino-Brazil Relations in the Context of China’s Policy towards Latin America
【W(wǎng)ang Jianwei and Zou Jing】/34
Panel Ⅱ Lessons of Chinese-Brazilian Cooperation and Competition in Trade and Economy
Brazil-China Economic Relations: Trade Pattern and China Investment Profile in Brazil
【Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa et al.】/55
Economic Relationship Brazil-China: Cooperation and Competition【Zhou Zhiwei】/83
Comparative Advantages and Trade Complementarity between China and Brazil
【Song Yanan】/104
Dynamics of FDI Flows of Emerging and Developing Economies: Investment Relation
between China and Brazil in Focus【Tang Xiaolei】/120
Panel Ⅲ Compare and Contrast the Rises of China and Brazil
Constitutions, Economics, and the Creation of Social Realities in Brazil and China
【David T. Ritchie】/147
Brazil’s Specialization in Natural Resources: The Role Played by China
【Carlos Frederico Rocha】/166
Demystifying the China-Brazil Relations【Jiang Shixue】/186
Chinese Lyre:Reception of Classical Chinese Poetry in Brazil【Kenneth David Jackson】/208
Panel Ⅳ China-Brazil Relations and Macau
A Political and Economic Analysis on the Service Platform for Economic and Trade
Cooperation between China and Lusophone Countries【IP Kuai Peng】/221
How do Brazil and Macau Use “Electronic Payment” to Improve Chinese-Lusophone
Business Relations? 【Claudia Ribeiro Pereira Nunes】/241
Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan’s Roles in Sino-Brazilian Relations
【W(wǎng)u Shianghau, Yang Chongwei and Kok Kin Leong】/260