1. Fundamental Relations
2. The Nature of Stimuli
3. The Kinds of Stimuli
4. The Nature of Response
5. Adjustment and Adaptation
6. Kinds of Adjustment
7. Normal and Abnormal Adjustment
8. Relation of the Plant to Water
9. The Nature of Water Stimuli
10. Water Content
11. Influence of other Factors upon Water Content
12. Available and Non-available Water Content
13. Soil Samples
14. Computation of Water Content
15. Time of Water Content Readings
16. Location of Readings
17. Depth of Samples
Experiment 1. Measurement of Water Content
18. The Determination of Available Water
19. Chresard of Habitats
Experiment 2. Determination of Available Water
20. Influence of Soil upon Water Content
21. Origin and Structure
22. Water Capacity
23. Chemical Nature of Soils
24. Air Content
25. Determination of Soil Properties
Experiment 3. Porosity and Rate of Evaporation
26. Influence of Precipitation upon Water Content
27. Measurement of Rainfall
28. Physiography
29. The Influence of Slope
30. The Influence of Surface
31. The Influence of Climatic Factors
32. Humidity
33. Modifying Influence of Temperature and Wind
34. Influence of Pressure and Physiographic Factors
35. Effect of Climate and Habitat
36. Measurement of Humidity
37. Sling and Cog Psychrometers
38. Making a Reading
39. Use of Humidity Tables
Experiment 4. Measuring Humidity
40. Method of Habitat Study
41. Choice of Stations
42. Cons