Unit 1 Politics
Text A It Is Bush
Text B Clinton Is Right
Unit 2 Science Ⅰ
Text A The Growth of Science
Text B Study the Birds and the Bees
Unit 3 Literature
Text A Who Moved My Cheese? (Excerpt One)
Text B Who Moved My Cheese? (Excerpt Two)
Unit 4 Internet
Text A Gmail: Can't Live with It - or Without It
Text B The Future of Windows
Unit 5 Economy
Text A How Real Is It?
Text B From Wall Street to Main Street, Layoffs,Losses, and Little Hope
Unit 6 Health
Text A The Best Diet: Quality Count
Text B Body Mass Index (BMI)
Unit 7 International Affairs
Text A United Nations Unanimously Passes Weapons Ban
Text B Europe's Gypsies, Are They a Nation?
Unit 8 Culture
Text A Texting is Killing Language
Text B Lessons from Fashion's Free Culture
Unit 9 Education
Text A Michelle Obama: A Plea for Education
Text B Bill Gates: Mosquitos, Malaria and Education
Unit 10 Society
Text A How Common Threats Can Make Common (political) Ground
Text B The Social Animal
Unit 11 Crime
Text A The Booming Online Illicit Drug Economy
Text B As D.C. Homicides Decline, Murder Still a Stubborn Crime to Solve and Prosecute
Unit 12 Business
Text A J.P. Morgan Breach Raises Alarm about Safety of Financial System
Text B Home Depot and J.P. Morgan Are Doing Fine.Is It a Sign We'Re Numb to Data Breaches?
Unit 13 Entertainment
Text A Reese Witherspoon, from Rom-com Queen to "Wild" Woman
Text B Carl Weathers of"Rocky" Still a Hit with Fans
Unit 14 War
Text A WAR in Afghanistan Was Won or Was Lost?
Text B Israeli and Palestinian Kids Caught in the Cross Fire
Unit 15 International Relations
Text A This Isn't What the 21 st Century Supposed to Look Like
Text B Time Is on Tehran Side
Unit 16 Science Ⅱ
Text A It's a Safe Bet That David Ioyce Knows More Than You Did
Text B How Nasty Ebola Is
"I wasn't Sniff-I didn't sniff out the situation and see the change early. And I certainly wasn't Scurry-I didn't go into action immediately. "
"I was more like Hem, who wanted to stay in familiar territory. The truth is, I didn't want to deal with the change. I didn't even want to see it. " Michael, who felt like no time had passed since he and Carlos were close friends in school, asked, "What are we talking about here, buddy?" Carlos said, "An unexpected change ofjobs. "Michael laughed. 6 "Hem reminds me of a friend of me, " Frank said. "His department was closing down, but he didn't want to see it. They kept relocating his people. We all tried to talk to him about the many other opportunities that existed in the company for those who wanted to be flexible, but he didn't think he had to change. He was the only one who was surprised when his department closed. Now he's having a hard time adjusting to the change he didn't think should happen. " Jessica said: "I didn't think it should happen either, but my 'Cheese' has been moved more than once. " Many in the group laughed, except Nathan.
"Maybe that's the whole point. " Nathan said. "Change happens to all of us. " He added, "I wish my family had heard the Cheese story before this. Unfortunately we didn't want to see the changes coming in our business, and now it's too late-we're having to close many of our stories. " That surprised many in the group, because they thought Nathan was lucky to be in a secure business he could depend on, year after year.
"What happened?" Jessica wanted to know.