Unit 1 Schooling
Session A Scanning
Session B Using the Writing Process
Session C Further Development: Achieving Unity
Unit 2 Technology
Session A Skimming for Main Ideas of an Essay
Session B Writing an Outline
Session C Further Development: Achieving Coherence
Unit 3 Health
Session A Predicting the Author's Ideas
Session B Constructing an Introduction
Session C Further Development: Achieving Conciseness
Unit 4 Society
Session A Drawing Conclusions While Reading
Session B Constructing a Conclusion
Session C Further Development: Achieving Emphasis
Unit 5 People
Session A Drawing Conclusions Fact from Opinion
Session B Developing and Organizing Ideas
Session C Further Development: Achieving Variety
Unit 6 Family
Session A Evaluating a Text
Session B Revision
Session C Further Development: Writing a Summary
Rabi laughs when I ask the question. 66How I became a teacher?" Rabi alwaysknew she wanted to be a scientist, but it wasn't until she borrowed her collegeroommate's education textbooks and read them cover-to-cover that she realized shewanted to become an educator. After getting her Bachelor's Degree in Astronomyand Cognitive Science from Swarthmore College, she used the resources of the NewYork City Teaching Fellows Program to earn her Master's degree in Science Educa-tion from Pace University and officially become an educator. She.currently holds aNew York State Permanent Certificate to teach Earth Science and General Science insecondary schools (grades 7 - 12).
"I love everything about being in a classroom with a bunch of kids," she says."It's kind of like being on stage-you have a plan, and you're a performer-but it'salso intimate and spontaneous. I love the process of getting to know my students,coming to admire and appreciate them, and watching them start to embrace scienceas sometkung enjoyable, useful,- and even empowering. It's the most flat-out fun I'veever had, on a day-to-day basis, at any job ever in my life. "