I. The Colonial Period and 17th Century Literature of Puritanism
The Historical Background
The Development of Literature
Ⅱ. The Period of Enlightenment
The Historical Background
The Development of Literature
Benjamin Franklin
from Autobiography
Philip Freneau
To the Memory of the Brave Americans
The Wild Honey Suckle
Ⅲ. New England Transcendentalism and the Romantic Age
A. Period of Pre-Romanticism
The Historical Background
The Development of Literature
Washington Irving
from Rip Van Winkle
William Cullen Bryant
To a Waterfowl
B. Period of Post-Romanticism
The Historical Background
The Development of Literature
Edgar Allan Poe
To Helen
The Raven
Ralph Waldo Emerson
from Nature
The Rhodora
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlte Letter
Chapter XIX
Walt Whitman
from Song of Myself
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A Psalm of Life
The Tide Rises ,the Tide Falls
Harriet Beecher Stowe
from Uncle Tom's Cabin
Emily Dickinson
Ⅳ. The Age of Realism
The Historical Background
The Development of Literature
Mark Twain
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Chapter XIX
Henry James
from The Art of Fiction
Ⅴ. American Naturalism
The Historical Background
The Development of Literature
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Richard Cory
Miniver Cheevy
Stephen Crane
The Red Badge of Courage
Chapter 24
Theodore Dreiser
Sister Carrie
Chapter I
Robert Lee Frost
Mending Wall
The Road Not Taken
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Ⅵ. American Modernism
The Historical Background
The Development of Literature
Ernest Hemingway
A Farewell to Arms
Chapter XLI
F.Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
Chapter Ⅲ
John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath
Chapter X
The Waste Land
I. The Burial of the Dead
William Faulkner
Dry September
Eugene O'Neill
Long Day's Journey Into Night
Act 2, Scene Ⅱ
Ⅶ. American Literature since 1945
The Historical Background
The Development of Literature
Saul Bellow
from Seize the Day
Joseph Heller
Chapter 40
Flannery O'Connor
A Good Man Is Hard to Find
Allen Ginsberg
from Howl
Alice Walker
Everyday Use
Main Reference Books