


定  價:99 元



  • 作者:曾序勇 著
  • 出版時間:2016/1/1
  • ISBN:9787508532417
  • 出 版 社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 中圖法分類:H31 
  • 頁碼:
  • 紙張:膠版紙
  • 版次:1
  • 開本:16開
  《我們和你們:中國和尼泊爾的故事(英)》這本書是由16位中國作者和7位尼泊爾作者共同撰寫的,它本身就是中尼友好合作的產(chǎn)物。本書的中方作者大多在尼泊爾長期工作過,其中有多位中國前駐尼泊爾大使、參贊、武官等高級外交官,有曾在中國國際廣播電臺負(fù)責(zé)尼語節(jié)目編輯、播音的專業(yè)人士,有參加過對尼經(jīng)援和文化交流的人員,有常駐尼的資深記者和出訪過尼的新聞出版界人士,還有長期從事尼泊爾研究的學(xué)者。他們懷著對尼泊爾人民的真摯友情,從不同的側(cè)面和視角描述自己親身經(jīng)歷的真實生動的故事,緬懷和贊頌中尼兩國人民的深厚友誼。本書的幾位尼泊爾作者都是中國人民的老朋友。特別是尼泊爾著名政治家、前首相基?尼?比斯塔,他曾十多次訪華,同中國幾代領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人都有過密切交往,無論在朝在野,對中國友好矢志不渝,為中尼友好事業(yè)作出了重要貢獻(xiàn)。其他幾位尼泊爾作者,包括尼泊爾前駐華公使、駐拉薩總領(lǐng)事、前國王首席新聞秘書、尼泊爾—中國研究中心主席、尼泊爾編輯家協(xié)會會長、尼泊爾外交學(xué)會前顧問等,他們或長期在中國學(xué)習(xí)、工作過,或多次訪問過中國,都為中尼友好做了大量有益的工作。他們懷著對中國人民的友好情誼,積極撰文回顧和紀(jì)念尼中建交60 周年,描述他們同中國的友好交往和所見所聞,熱情贊頌中國的飛速發(fā)展和巨大進(jìn)步,表達(dá)對中尼友好合作繼續(xù)發(fā)展的殷切期盼。中尼雙方20多位資深人士撰寫和親歷的這些友好故事,是中尼建交60 年來睦鄰友好合作關(guān)系的生動體現(xiàn)和歷史見證。
  This book, which involves contributions from 16 Chinese writers and seven Nepali authors, is actually a fruit of Sino-Nepalese friendship. Most Chinese writers had long worked in Nepal, including some senior diplomats like former ambassadors, counselors, and military attachés. Besides, some are editors and anchors of CRI Nepalese programs; some participated in the economic assistance China provided for Nepal and the cultural exchanges between the two countries; some are senior resident correspondents in Nepal and media figures once visiting the neighboring country; and some are scholars who have long been involved in studying Nepal. With a friendly heart for the Nepalese people, they wrote down their own stories related to the country from different perspectives, revealing the profound friendship between the two peoples.
  The Nepalese authors of the book are all old friends of the Chinese people. Among them, Kirti Nidhi Bista, an eminent politician and former Prime Minister, visited China dozens of times and kept close contacts with Chinese leaders of several generations. No matter in office or opposition, he has always worked hard to promote Sino-Nepalese friendship, with substantial results. Other Nepalese authors include a former Nepali envoy to China, the consul general in Lhasa, the King’s former Chief Press Secretary, the Chairman of China Study Center of Nepal, the President of Editors Society of Nepal, and the former counselor of Nepal Institute of Foreign Affairs. Having long studied and worked in China or visited China many times, they did much beneficial work for friendship between China and Nepal. With the friendly feeling toward the Chinese people, they actively reviewed the past and wrote articles to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. These articles are all about their personal experiences in friendly exchanges between China and Nepal, including what they saw and heard in China. They speak highly of the unprecedented achievements China has made in the past three decades, and hopes for the continuous advancement of the friendship between the two countries. The stories in the book contributed by over 20 Chinese and Nepalese authors present a vivid expression of and bear a witness to the good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation between the two countries since they established the diplomatic relations around 60 years ago.
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