Introduction to Network Security:Theory
定 價:79 元
- 作者:王杰,(美)基塞爾 編著
- 出版時間:2015/9/1
- ISBN:9787040421941
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:TP393.08
- 頁碼:417
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
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About the Authors
1 Network Security Overview
1.1 Mission and Definitions
1.2 Common Attacks and Defense Mechanisms
1.2.1 Eavesdropping
1.2.2 Cryptanalysis
1.2.3 Password Pilfering
1.2.4 Identity Spoofing
1.2.5 Buffer-Overflow Exploitations
1.2.6 Repudiation
1.2.7 Intrusion
1.2.8 Traffic Analysis
1.2.9 Denial of Service Attacks
1.2.10 Malicious Software
1.3 Attacker Profiles
1.3.1 Hackers
1.3.2 Script Kiddies
1.3.3 Cyber Spies
1.3.4 Vicious Employees
1.3.5 Cyber Terrorists
1.3.6 Hypothetical Attackers
1.4 Basic Security Model
1.5 Security Resources
1.5.1 CERT
1.5. 2 SANS Institute
1.5.3 Microsoft Security
1.5.4 NTBugtraq
1.5.5 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
1.6 Closing Remarks
1.7 Exercises
1.7.1 Discussions
1.7.2 Homework
2 Data Eneryption Algorithms
2.1 Data Encryption Algorithm Design Criteria
2.1.1 ASCII Code
2.1.2 XOR Encryption
2.1.3 Criteria of Data Encryptions
2.1.4 Implementation Criteria
2.2 Data Encryption Standard
2.2.1 Feistel's Cipher Scheme
2.2.2 DES Subkeys
2.2.3 DES Substitution Boxes
2.2.4 DES Encryption
2.2.5 DES Decryption and Correctness Proof
2.2.6 DES Security Strength
2.3 Multiple DES
2.3.1 Triple-DES with Two Keys
2.3.2 2DES and 3DES/3
2.3.3 Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on 2DES
2.4 Advanced Encryption Standard
2.4.1 AES Basic Structures
2.4.2 AES S-Boxes
2.4.3 AES-128 Round Keys
2.4.4 Add Round Keys
2.4.5 Substitute-Bytes
2.4.6 Shift-Rows
2.4.7 Mix-Columns
2.4.8 AES-128 Encryption
2.4.9 AES-128 Decryption and Correctness Proof
2.4.10 Galois Fields
2.4.11 Construction of the AES S-Box and Its Inverse
2.4.12 AES Security Strength
2.5 Standard Block Cipher Modes of Operations
2.5.1 Electronic-Codebook Mode
2.5.2 Cipher-Block-Chaining Mode
2.5.3 Cipher-Feedback Mode
2.5.4 Output-Feedback Mode
2.5.5 Counter Mode
2.6 Offset Codebook Mode of Operations
2.6.1 Basic Operations
2.6.2 OCB Encryption and Tag Generation
2.6.3 OCB Decryption and Tag Verification
3 Public-Key Cryptography and Key Management
4 Data Authentication
5 Network Security Protocols in Practice
6 Wireless Network Security
7 Cloud Security
8 Network Perimeter Security
9 Intrusion Detections
10 The Art of Anti-Malicious Software
Further Reading