文化、民族和跨文化傳播交際:a cross disciplinary reader
定 價:78 元
- 作者:陳凌編
- 出版時間:2012/10/1
- ISBN:9787544625098
- 出 版 社:上海外語教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:G115-53
- 頁碼:671
- 紙張:
- 版次:
- 開本:23cm
前言致/Acknowledgements論文化和具體文化:跨學科的多面觀點On Culture and Cultures: Views across Disciplines導讀The Analysis of Culture, Raymond William 前言致/Acknowledgements論文化和具體文化:跨學科的多面觀點On Culture and Cultures: Views across Disciplines導讀The Analysis of Culture, Raymond WilliamsThick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture,Clifford GeenzA Conception of Culture for a Communication Theory of Mind, MichaelColeNew Ethnicities, Stuart HallCultural and Social-Structural Explanatio of Cross-NationalPsychologicalDifferences Carrel SchoolerCultural Peuadables, Kristine L FitchCultural Variability in Communication: An Introductory, William BGudykut不同文化聞的比較:不同學科的多方面研究Comparison across Cultures: Studies across Disciplines導語The Impact of Confucianism on Interpeonal Relatiohips andCommunication Patter in East Asia, June Ock YumRevisiting Shame and Guilt Cultures: A Forty-Year Pilgrimage,Millie R CreightonIntercultural Aspects of the Speech Act of Promising: Western andAfricanPractices,Inge EgnerCommunicative Styles in English and German,Juliane HouseStories of Intercultural Communication Conflict Lived and Told bySojourne inKorea, Hyoook ChongThe Concept of Trustworthiness: A Cross-Cultural Comparison betweenJapaneseand US Business People, Masami Nishishiba, L David RitchieCultural Variatio in Peonal Space, Jacob Lomranz與其他文化的相遇:不同學科對跨文化傳播交際的概念界定建構On Intercultural Encounte: Conceptualizatio across DisciplinesGeorg Simmel's Concept of the Stranger and InterculturalCommunicationResearch, Everett M Roge導語Inquiry in Intercultural and Development Communication, Young YunKimAdumbration as a Feature of Intercultural Communication, Edward THallThinking Dialectically about Culture and Communication, Judith NMartin,Thomas Ko NakayamaCommunication Accommodation in Intercultural Encounte, HowardGiles,Kimberly A NoelsFacework Competence in Intercultural Conflict: An UpdatedFace-NegotiationTheory, Stella Ting-Toomey, Atsuko KurogiRorty's Approach to Cultural Difference: The Conflict betweenSolidarity andProcedural Liberalism, Seyed Mohammad Ali Tgghavi語境中的跨文化傳播交際:跨學科研究Intercultural Communication in Context: Studies across Disciplines導語China Encounte Darwinism: A Case of Intercultural Rhetoric, XiaosuiXiaoCultural Communication Competence and Psychological Adjustment: AStudyof Chinese immigrant Chlldren's Cross-Cultural Adaptation inCanada, BettyKaman Lee, Ling ChenLanguage Choice in Bilingual, Cross-Cultural InterpeonalCommunication,Ingrid PillerCoumer Nationalism and Corporate Reputation Management in theGlobal Era,Jay WangGlobal Culture -- Myth or Reality? Perceptio of "National Cultures"in a Global Corporation, Ha] LadegaardBridging Cultures: Undetanding the Cotruction of RelationalIdentityin Intercultural Friendship, Pei-Wen Lee